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Your one wrong investment decision and you learned a lesson

Posted by ATUL DOGRA at Sunday, December 28, 2008
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It is true that it is far better to learn from others mistakes but we don't understand that till  we don't face any loos .In money matters this statement becomes more appropriate. Even Mr. Buffet said: "If you are not responsible for any errors, you can not make a decision. You can not speak .."

So I'll tell you what I've learned in this downturn.

1st You need 20-30% of the portfolio in cash or the equivalent in cash for Buying shares in low rates and take their profits and efficiency and so on.

2nd Please do not ask others in the darkness, you must remove all confident in beard trend because when market goes down all shares fall and no one get relief in such situation except few ones , bear kills everyone .

3rd You must not invest too much money invested in a warehouse(In One stock )in the tendency of Red Bull . Even if you do not Suffer through on the back of a horse. However, your investment get suffered every time in the back of  Red Bull .

4th The stock market has proven wrong to all experts as well .Always remember "time and tide waits for none" but here u need to be as slow as ever to be rich..

5th Their are only few stocks where u can put your money and sleep well .

6th Main point we always remember after facing losses that bull markets builds in the next 3 years and bear markets don't have memory but left out some pain .

Last and main point that you must avoid taking action on t.v news and other reports . You can watch news but don't react on them in fast mode or you can do some experiments yourself .

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