Awesome Stock picks of indo us nuclear deal
Posted by
ATUL DOGRA at Monday, September 8, 2008
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I was just reading gujjubulls and saw one exciting post over there related to some good stock picks review . Today also many guys said that market bounce was only because of NSG waiver .Now lets move on to topic and take a look on some good Stock picks which can give good returns in this deal .
Mr . Kathir on gujubulls has disclosed few stocks review which will going to get benefit after the nuclear deal is signed . So here is the list of companies which he mentioned over there and he has also explained very well that how these companies will get benefit by this deal .
Areva T&D
Alstom Projects
Crompton Greaves
Walchandnagar Industries
Reliance Energy
Tata Power
Allmost all of these companies are connected to nuclear service providers like nuclear projects and all or have indirect relations with other parent companies . You can go and read full article and companies details on this link Stock picks of indo us nuclear deal .